

Diffusion et promotion du court métrage


As a non-profit cultural association, we depend entirely on external contributions from organizations and sponsors. These supports are essential to maintain the dynamics of our actions.

Heliotrope thanks the partners who support it in the organization of the European Short Film Festival of Nice as well as in the implementation of its many image education actions throughout the year with the schools of the Alpes Maritimes

Soirée de Clôture d’UFCTC 2019 à la Villa Arson, lieu emblématique de la vie artistique et culturelle niçoise


Being a partner or sponsor of Héliotrope means being part of the artistic and cultural life of the region.

It is to provide assistance to disseminate films and participate in the discovery of new talents.

It is supporting educational materials for wider learning.

It is to contribute to the creation of initiatives that give added value to the territory.


In 2020, for our major event, the Nice European Short Film Festival Un Festival C’est Trop Court!, 68 partners from different sectors have supported us. Hotels, restaurants, transport, schools, associations, entrepreneurs, public and private institutions… All together for culture!

For more information on the different forms of partnership and sponsorship, don’t hesitate to contact us. There are many ways to contribute to our cultural and educational activities. Any help is welcome.

“Participation in the Festival du Court de Nice has made it possible to forge collaborative links that deserve to be continued and maintained between the University and this Association which does a remarkable job and deserves to evolve in the best conditions. The international character of the Festival enhances the territory and the economic stakes that the sector of the creative and cultural industries represents and in which it is important to invest so that culture can effectively deploy its role of social and economic leverage. »

Valentina TIRLONI, chef du projet européen ChIMERA et maître de conférences à l’Université Côte d’Azur.

Télécharger bilan de l’édition 2019 d’UFCTC


For any company interested in enhancing an event with a screening of short films, to create a thematic programme and introduce this format to its partners and/or employees, to offer incentives with cinematographic tools for the creation of a tailor-made short film, contact us.