

Diffusion et promotion du court métrage

Educational tools


This introductory workshop proposes to shed light on a stage of creation often unknown of a film : editing. The Mashup table, a tool specially designed for image education by Romuald Beugnon, promotes a creative approach to editing by abolishing technological constraints.

This involves manipulating image and sound maps on an interactive table. The playful aspect of these workshops is also based on the collective practice of assembly with several hands and several ears.

A fun and interactive tool, the Mash Up table allows a new approach to editing by juggling cards from films containing sounds, actions, images


Whether it is fiction, documentary or experimental film, animation is above all a picture-by-picture production technique. The mutliplan banc titre is the ideal tool to experiment with various types of animation such as drawing, paper cut, painting, sand… Fun and easy to use, the animation Ring designed by Mathilde Rebullida and Pauline Lebellenger adapts to everyone, young and old, students and teachers.

“Getting into the Ring” is an opportunity for everyone to question this permanent dialogue between imagination and reality, creativity and constraint.”

The “Ring” is the ideal tool for experimenting with various types of animation. This mutliplan bench-title lends itself both to short forms and to residence times over several days.


The kinematic briefcase is a tool for discovering pre-cinema. Designed by Mathilde Rebullida, it allows participants to discover the world of motion image before the appearance of the cinematograph through three workshops :

  • The Banc titre proposes the realization of a small animation. From different elements present in the case (drawings, objects, materials, etc.), the participants imagine and make a short animation.
  • Optical toys, invented in the nineteenth century, exploit optical illusion in order to reproduce the impression of movement from still images. The students go to discover these toys, then try their hand at making them (thaumatrope, phenakisticope, zootrope…).
  • Le sténopé est un dispositif optique simple qui permet de réaliser des premières prises de vues. L’appareil est constitué d’une boîte de conserve avec un petit trou qui sert d’objectif et d’un film photosensible collé au fond de celle-ci, sur lequel viennent se fixer les images. Les négatifs sont ensuite développés à l’aide d’un laboratoire mobile en quatre étapes: révélateur, bain d’arrêt, fixateur et rinçage.
The Kinematic Briefcase allows participants to discover the world of the motion image before the appearance of the cinematograph